June is National Adopt a Cat Month!

posted: by: americanhumane.org Tags: "Clinic Specials" "News" 

11 Ways to Care for Your Cat

1.  Visit your veterinarian at least once a year. It'™s the best way to keep your cat healthy and diagnose illness early.

2.   Fine Dining: The right diet depends on your cat'™s age, activity level and overall health. Ask your veterinarian for tips on finding food that is nutritious, digestible and tasty.

3.  No Tubby Tabbies:  Overweight cats can have serious health problems. Lower the risk of obesity by feeding the right food, playing with your cat and providing fun activities your cat can
enjoy alone.

4. Don'™t Bug Me:  It'™s easy to prevent internal and external parasites with year-round protection. Even indoor cats get fleas; and roundworms can harm your family along with your cat.

5. Lost & Found: Indoor cats do get out and get lost. Microchips and breakaway collars with ID tags must be standard operating equipment (remember MVC will register your cat's microchip with the provider).

6. A Little Help From a Friend:  If your cat is in need of expensive health care, pet insurance will help you pay for treatment that might otherwise be beyond your means.

7. Cleanliness Counts:  Use large litter boxes that are about tip of the nose to tip of the tail in length. Provide one more box than the number of cats in your house, and scoop them at least once daily.

8. Play for Prey:  Play is great exercise that satisfies a cat'™s normal desire to chase, pounce and catch.  You can even train your cat to do tricks for treats!

9. Scratching the Surface:  All cats have a natural need to scratch. Satisfy it by teaching your cat to use a scratching post.

10.  Be on the Ball:  Cats are consistent. If your cat suddenly acts out of character, something might be wrong. Contact your veterinarian.

11:  The More, the Merrier: Cats are social animals and may benefit from one or two cat companions.

Visit your local shelter to find your purrfect friend!